KreCook™ Oven-Ready Films | High-Temperature Cooking Solutions

Product range: UK & Ireland - Preferred language: English

Part of the Kureha Group


Oven-ready films

In addition to our KreCook™ oven-ready bags, Krehalon offer a range of oven-ready films suitable for thermoforming, lidding or flowpack applications. Krehalon ovenable packaging is suitable for all fresh red meat, fish and poultry applications.

All products within our ovenable packaging range can be cooked for up to 2 hours at 200°C and conform to all UK & EEC food in contact and migration standards. Copies of certifications are available on request. 

Features and benefits:

  • One-touch direct-to-oven packaging: You need just one pack to take your product from factory to plate.
  • Safer handling: With a fully sealed pack there is no need to handle food until it’s time to serve it, reducing the risk of bacterial contamination (Campylobacter).
  • Improved flavour: KreCook™ films allow for improved heat penetration in product resulting in improved taste and flavour.
  • Reduced cooking times: KreCook™ films are high temperature-resistant films which can help reduce cooking time by a third.
  • No post-meal clean-up: With all juices and fat being retained in the pack, there is no oven and tray mess.
  • Non-stick: KreCook™ poultry films have been specially designed to prevent skin sticking to packaging giving you a well presented roast every time.
  • Innovative material technology: We can offer innovative material formulations for improved performance including sealability and shelf life extension.
  • Multiple applications: KreCook™ films come in a wide variety of thicknesses and can be used with many different cooking methods including oven roasting, microwave, boiling and steaming.
  • Excellent strength: We offer formulations for increased puncture strength for high abuse applications such as bone-in meat.

Please check product availability and specifications below or contact your local representative for further information.

Product Availability & Specifications

Thermoforming films

KreCook™ ovenable thermoforming top and base films offer excellent forming and seal properties and are available in Polyester material with sandwich printed top webs. Thickness range is from 80 to 150 microns for base web and 35 to 45 microns for top web. High resolution 8 colour flexoprint is available for shelf-ready presentation. 

Flowpack films 

KreCook™ polyester ovenable flowpack films are supplied in both 35 and 45 micron thickness in quad or standard pack formats with excellent barrier gloss and seal properties. All flowpack films are available with sandwich print up to 8 colours. 

Lidding films 

KreCook™ ovenable lidding films seal to CPET or Aluminium trays. These are suitable for cooking applications up to 200°C for 2 hours for CPET lidding or 175°C for 1 hour for Aluminium lidding. Aluminium top web is available in 45 microns. Thickness availability for CPET top web varies from 20 microns to 45 microns.